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There are no refunds on any kind of readings, on any kind of spell casting services or on any product purchases. Please keep in mind that all products sold can not be resold once the seal is broken on the products. As it relates to readings and spell casting services keep in mind you are paying for psychic Tyras time, the products for your spell casting and for results to manifest at the highest level. Services are non refundable. All sales are final. If a product is out of stock, customers will be refunded immediately.


Psychic Tyra is 98% accurate in all the readings she provides. We say 98% because nobody is perfect. Psychic Tyra is Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and has medium psychic abilities she is not your average psychic.

It depends on the spell and if you follow Psychic Tyras advice, keep in mind she is a professional psychic and spell caster. Psychic Tyras job is to read you and recommend solutions for your case. Most times clients need to do a series of baths before spell casting so that the spells casted can manifest within a two week time frame. Sometimes clients need a cleansing bath to remove years of blockages and then can go straight to spell casting. Sometimes clients love paths are closed along with their money paths and they need them reopened. This is why a reading should always be done first because if there are blockages love spells, money spells and sweetening jars will not work.

Experienced spell casters know that when you layer magic the spell is potent and will bring the client the best results. When spells are layered it allows psychic Tyra to bring those manifestations to fruition for her client from every angle. The ritual becomes stronger and unstoppable bringing the best desired results to the client.

All of the spells are strong and they all bring results but darker workings bring faster results because Psychic Tyra would be working with graveyard spirits, war spirits, and spirits that carry out whatever revenge spell the client has ordered. before anyone thinks about ordering dark work they will need to purchase a cleansing bath package so that they can cleanse while the spell is being carried out this works as a strong protective shield so that no harm with come to them during the casting or after the casting. Spells do not backfire when you have a professional spell caster doing the spells for you. Do not try it yourself if you don't know what you are doing. Once a client becomes a client of Tyra they're under her protection during and after the castings.

Single candle rituals is a service that Psychic Tyra provides for those who would like to have a spell casted but don't really have much money. The single candle rituals are less effective then all of psychic Tyras other services but do not doubt the spirits because psychic Tyras castings are extremely strong. When clients choose to have this casting done it is done at the end of each month and almost works as a prayer request service so keep the faith and don't miss out!

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