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Reconciliation Sweetening Jar

Reconciliation Sweetening Jar

Regular price $348.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $348.00 USD
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If someone you love is holding any kind of hate, grudges or resentment towards you for any reason and you have tried everything you could to try to make things right, then it's time for a Reconciliation Sweetening Jar. This jar will breakaway all of those hard feelings and soften them to the point where they will hear you out so that things can move more positively towards forgiveness.

The Reconciliation Sweetening Jar from softens the person's heart and mind and sweetens up their combative spirit, allowing for the truth to be able to be spoken once the communication path reopens between the two people. If this sounds familiar, then get you a Reconciliation Sweetening Jar so that all will be forgiven without being held in contempt.

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